Teens & Money
411 Information
411 Info #1
Cash & Cotton
Have you ever asked your parents for money and their response is, "What do you think money grows on trees?" Well now, you can answer that yes, indeed it does! Technically, money is grown from cotton trees.

411 Info #2
Cattle & Currency
The first forms of money were cattle, shells, and salts to name a few. There was a trading system where you would trade your valuable form of currency (let's say 4 sheep) for another valuable form of currency (10 corn stalks, for example). This form of trade was called bartering and dates back to tens of thousands of years ago.
411 Info #3
Pyramid & Permanence
The pyramid, which represents strength and permanence, on the back of US currency is actually the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. It has been left unfinished to signify the future growth of the country.

411 Info #4
Federal Reserve & Finance
Until the Federal Reserve was created in 1908 individual banks made their own money. Also, each state had their own type of currency, which made traveling to other states difficult.

411 Info #5
Financing & Fun
Click play on the video to the left to watch a fun video where kids, themselves, explain long term financing!
411 Info #6
Kids & Knowledge
Here are 14 steps to show how easy it is to save money as a kid:
Figure out what you want to do with the money you save. You can cut out a picture of an item you would like and hang it up in your room, somewhere you can see it most often.
Get a piggy bank. Since wallets are portable, they tempt you into spending money. Instead, buy some kid of stationary storage for your money.
Hide your money from yourself. This may seem like a silly idea but if your money is out in the open, you may be tempted to spend it. The best hiding place would be out of sight aka out of your room. You can hide it in your parents' or siblings' rooms. Be careful hiding it in siblings' rooms though, they might take it!
Tell someone you're saving up. By telling someone else, they will be able to remind you not to spend a lot of money on things you might not really need so make sure this is someone you can trust.
Every penny counts. It's just like 100,000 people saying that their vote doesn't matter; together, they can make a difference. So don't go to that gumball machine you see in the pizza place, pocket the change instead.
When hanging out with your friends, suggest doing something that doesn't involve spending money. There are plenty of ways to hang out with your friends and have a good time without spending money. Stay away from the mall, that is where are most tempted to spend money. If you do end up going to the mall though, just don't bring a lot of money along, limit yourself.
Spend money wisely and set a budget. Pick out a designated amont per week to spend and make sure it is a very small portion of your overall savings.
Count all the money in your savings. Each time you spend money, make sure to subtract it from your total savings on a piece of paper or your phone. That way, at the end of the week you can add in the money you have left over or make sure all your money is still there.
If you are too young to get a job, chores are the next best thing! Set up a deal with your parents where you get money in exchange for doing chores around the house.
You can even help out a sibling. You can offer to clean your siblings' rooms for money if they don't want to do it themselves.
If you live in a safe neighborhood, make a lemonade stand. This is a classic way to make a few quick bucks, but only during warm weather. You could shovel snow for money in the winter.
Ask neighbors and relatives if they need help with anything. If they need any jobs done, you can always ask a friendly neighbor or your aunt, uncle, grandparents, etc.
Never buy food items you like with your saved money. This will induce you to buy more, provided your goal is not buying a food item you really wanted.
Last but not least, have fun with it. And remember, money isn't everything.
411 Info #7
Stocks & Success
There are more than 9 million millionaires and about 800 billionaires in the world, all depending on how the stock market did today. If you don't understand what the stock market is, click the picture below to read an introduction to stock basics.
411 Info #8
Currency & Culture
On the left are all the current types of paper currency in the U.S.
On the right are their coin equivalences.

411 Info #9
Tariffs & Taxes
A tariff, by definition, is either 1) a tax on imports or exports or 2) a list of prices for such things like rail service, bus routes, and electrical usage.
Since the U.S. and China trade a lot, we each have a tariff. In 2009, the U.S. made a tariff for imports on tires so the Chinese made a tariff for imports of chicken, as depicted in the cute cartoon to the left.

411 Info #10
Spam & Subscriptions
Have you ever been on a website and an ad like this pops up?
OOOOOOH, FANCY! I can get a whole magazine for only $1.95???? Sounds like a deal! You should never click the "for details click here". This is spam and as soon as you see it ex out immediately. The people running these spam ads just want your information so they can swindle you out of money and bug your computer.
411 Info #11
Crisis & Credit
Watch the video on the left to learn all about the mortgage crisis of 2007, so interesting!